What we do

What we do

What we do

We provide 3 types of services.

Search and Selection of new employees nowadays is a very specialized and time consuming business. For your organisation it takes a lot of effort and time to find the right talent. We think organisations should focus on their core business.  Grafton is your business partner on search and selection.

Secondment: is the solution if you want to have highly qualified staff available quickly and efficiently due to a project, specific support or extra capacity for a longer period. The employee is already on our payroll and your company benefits from his / her expertise. Secondment is also extremely suitable as an instrument to be used for search and selection. The employer's task lies with Grafton and we also aim to get the employee to be deployed optimally to the client during this period. Think of education, coaching and training.

Freelance: Grafton has got a sustainable network of Freelancers. These Freelancers are likely to collaborate with Grafton because we have the knowledge of their business. Freelancers work through us in accordance with the applicable legislation (model agreement). This gives you the opportunity to implement a risk-free implementation of an internal project that requires very specific knowledge and / or skills. We consult our network so that you can start the project quickly.